Monday, October 10, 2011

Please Allow Me To Introduce...

I am sorry I forgot to do this earlier...

Please allow me to introduce myself,  my name is John and I roast coffee.  While I will not be so bold as to proclaim my coffee as the best in the world - it is still a very good experience.

Why is it good?  Because while the common coffee bean is a very sturdy product (remaining good after 2 years in its green state if stored in a dry and cool location) it still goes stale in just 2 weeks after being roasted.  This means that the stuff that you purchase is usually stale and often altered in order to maintain its consistent brand flavor.  With my fresh-brewed single-origin coffee it rarely tastes the same from pot to pot but it is always fresh and very yummy (if I am allowed this small boast).

My company is Anchor Bay Roasts and I would like to help you experience your coffee.

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