Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Anchor Bay Roasts TATTOO!!!

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I was wracking my brain trying to figure out how to make the experience of coffee demonstrations last longer than just the length of time it takes to drink a cup of coffee.  Then it hit me - I'll design a tattoo!  Ha!  That will last longer than a cup of coffee.  So even though I lack a logo I designed a tattoo that everyone will want - a smiley face tattoo.

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So everyone in my immediate family has been marked so far and as I create further posts I will insert pictures of them sporting their new tats.  Then, as more and more people join us coffee snobs at Anchor Bay Roasts I will include their pictures as well.  However, I guess to be fair I need to go first so here I am sporting my new tat.

For the next post I will be featuring my wife's tat - and you will not guess where she chose to sport hers.  I'll post the picture tomorrow.

In the mean-time, have you seen the video of our official Press-Release?  If not, click here to watch the 3 minute video of my recorded live press release.

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