Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Papau New Guinea - Peaberry

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If you have not seen the new Press Release you can click here to see it.  I think it will be worth your time - but I am biased of course.

I roasted one of my favorite beans last night and am getting ready to go brew some now.  It is amazing to me that my coffee excites me as it does.

70% of this crop is used by Australia and Germany so the rest of the world is lucky (and I mean that) to get the other 30%.  It makes this coffee a little more rare in the states.

The flavor of this coffee is absolutely complex as it contains layer after layer of vivid flavors that require palatial separation to be understood.  The first time my wife and I sampled this bean we were floored by the flavors that all swam together in the one cup which seems to be characteristic to the peaberry - my wife described the experience like a dinner plate of food all mixed together needing to be separated.  This coffee is absolutely amazing - Mmmm, I cannot wait.

EASTER EGG!!!  There are only a few more days left for you to find the easter egg on the Anchor Bay Roasts website.  Find it and you will be added to the names in the drawing for this month.

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