Thursday, January 15, 2009

Horse Nugget (Blend #4)

1 oz. Harar Horse
1 oz. Mysore Nugget
1 oz. Tres Rios La Magnolia

Sometimes the best part of creating the blend is the naming process. ("Horse Nugget" - HA! That's rich.)

I took an ounce of each of these three beans and roasted them together. I roasted to a very dark French Roast. The resulting aroma of the grounds were spectacular but the aroma did not necessarily equate to a spectacular flavor. Please don't misunderstand, the coffee was a good solid cup but it suffered in comparison to the aroma.

The flavor of this hot cup is little better than standard. The acidity was very low which made the flavor very smooth. A good cup of coffee to drink but it is not something that screams "make me again!" As the cup cooled a sort of defect arose in the taste as a bitterness that attacked the back of the tongue began to develop.

I've been using these three beans in various concoctions of blends and I have yet to come up with something that I really like. I think for the next blend I will abandon these and move on to something brand new.

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