Thursday, January 1, 2009

An Experience Experiment - Pt. 3

An Experience Experiment - Pt. 1
An Experience Experiment - Pt. 2

Each method of coffee brewing was evaluated by our two evaluators (again, the scientifically challenged wife and me) for six different attributes. Since there were just 4 brews, each one was evaluated against the other on a 1-4 scale (1 being first or best & 4 being least or worst)

  • It is worthy of note that my wife (always the girl) thought that the Perk had the best flavor and that shows the subjective nature of this study. The girl liked the tea-like nature of the coffee produced by the Perk and I preferred the heartier flavor of the Press. My wife's reaction to the flavor of the Turk was (and I quote) "Eeeww, yuck!" and I kind of liked its stout-beer like quality. My wife claimed that the Turk was "chewy" but I thought it had a very enjoyable "full" body and flavor.
So what is my highly scientific conclusion? I conclude that my original hypothesis was indeed correct and it has now been proven as a fact. It is my opinion that the original hypothesis should now be restated as the Theory of Coffee-Brewology. I name it, I claim it, therefor it must be forever so... "THE SAME EXACT COFFEE BREWED BY DIFFERENT BREWING METHODS DOES PRODUCE DIFFERENT RESULTS."

And oh yeah Van, it tastes different too.

Thanks for reading...


Megan R. said...

Sorry, sweetie, but the Turkish coffee had absolutely NOTHING going for it. Which one did I say smelled like chocolate? Too bad it didn't taste like Hershey's, too. ;-)

J Rock said...

Ahhh, you're a girl who appreciates nothing about stout. And it was the Press that smelled of chocolate.