Saturday, November 8, 2008

Obsessive Compulive Behavior & Coffee

So I am obsessive - I own that. I don't know why it is it's just a reality that I have lived with all of my life. I go through phases and off the top of my head I remember a few of them.

I wanted to be a writer. I wrote many things but the reality is that I am no good at it. Every now and then I get this notion that "now I will be better" but I know that I won't. So I sat with a cup of coffee and considered what I wanted to do next.

My wife and I saw the movie "October Sky" so the next week we began building model rockets to learn the "science" behind it. I had grand visions of actually learning complicated math because of it. After a few months of that I sat with a cup of coffee and wondered what was next.

A friend of mine ordered a bottle of wine for dinner one night and he sniffed the cork and rejected it and made the waiter open a different bottle. So I wanted to learn the snobbery of wine tasting. After a few months of that I lost the taste for it and sat with a cup of coffee and decided that beer, then scotch (in that order) would be next - and they were.

I could continue but I am sure that you see the pattern. Now I have this blog about coffee. How long will it last? I am not sure but coffee has been with me since the time that I was in the ARMY. Whether I keep roasting my own and writing about it remains to be seen but for now it is my current obsession.

I guess there are worse things to be obsessed with.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

coffee, beer, then scotch... couldn't have said it better myself!