Sunday, June 22, 2008

The 8th Day

I often joke and tell people that "a little known fact is that on the 8th. day God roasted coffee - and it was very very good."

Coffee roasting is, for me, an art form rather than a science as each coffee bean crop possesses its very own unique flavor due to weather conditions as well as elements of the environment. Each type of bean has its own unique attributes for flavoring and these attributes are cultured with each type of roasting style (Cinnamon, City, Full-City, Espresso, and French). Roasting coffee by machine replaces art with science and thus replaces a good experience with a mundane methodology.

I admit that I am a coffee snob and for that I will not apologize. I learned to love coffee in the ARMY even though it was always bad and never meaningful and even to this day I would rather drink a cup of 6 hr. old Speedway coffee than a plastic bottle of flavored water-soda but my heart's desire is to experience coffee rather than just consume it day after dreary day.

This blog is dedicated to sharing those experiences with any other coffee snobs out there who actually care.


Steve AGI said...

John Rock, ROKK ON DUDE!!!!
You really know your coffee hey!!!!
Michigan in the USA hey, any good cafes out that way??
I'd love it if you sent me some reviews dude!!
Check out what we do @:

Keep on Caffeining on bro, Steve 'The Caffiend' AGI

Email me direct:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to be a nitpick, I'm loving your blog, but you've spelled Rwanda incorrectly.

Keep on roastin'
