Monday, June 23, 2008

Flores - Bajawa


The Flores Bajawa bean is the first coffee that I used to learn how to roast coffee with. So far I have roasted 7 batches with this bean and have discovered that I have enjoyed it roasted to a City/American roast the best. The Cinnamon roast was too grassy and mild for my taste while a Full-City/Vienna roast seemed too well done to taste anything but the flavor of the roast itself.

The aroma from the City roasted cup was earthy and simple and the flavor had a great body. It was well balanced and it portrayed a complex but non-complicated taste. I experienced a chocolaty attribute from this bean during the aftertaste but I really noticed it when I poured the coffee over ice.

All this having been said I really do not have a desire to purchase more of this bean. From 1 to 10 I rate this coffee a 3.

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