Saturday, September 21, 2013

Bali Kintamani

So far the only offering from Bali that I have had is the Bali Blue Moon which is an exceptional bean.  So when I received the Bali Kintamani I was anticipating something on the same level - And boy was I wrong.

The Kintamani is so far above the level of goodness over the Blue Moon that it should have its own level of goodness attributed to it. It is so good that the name Kintamani should replace the word "good".  If the word awesome was not already designated to describe the glory of God I would suggest that Kintamani should replace it.  In fact, this coffee is so good Kintamani that it was dubbed the "Hug" coffee because after people tasted it they wanted to chase me down the street and give me a hug.  One lady gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me that it was much better than even a hug.  But let me continue.

The exotic and colorful island of Bali produces a small volume of coffee in the interior highlands. This is a dry-processed, or "natural" coffee, which walks on the wild side, with a fermenty, alcohol sweetness that conveys considerable complexity as well as a faint overripe, composty shadow.  Kintamani coffee has a cherry-brandy aspect which possesses a background of cedar wood.  The aroma is said to possess a minty-chocolate note and its body is rich and sturdy with a syrupy mouth-feel. The finish is sweet and flavor-saturated which reveals a very slight composty edge that is indigenous to many Organic coffees.

With all of that said, it boils down to this being a unique and exceptional coffee that if you ever have the chance to procure - Get it! I am sad that I only grabbed 5 pounds of this bean when I should have stock piled it. 

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