Wednesday, July 3, 2013

PNG Sigri Estate

PNG Sigri Estate
Click for larger image

My wife and I sampled a new coffee this week that would cause me to do back-flips. (ahem - if I could actually move that way.)  This is a coffee from the Sigri Estate farm located in the wild of Papua New Guinea.

This offering is very smooth, and quite enjoyable.  The Aroma is wonderful as it possesses a warm cocoa smell that is as appealing as the ever popular Yemen Mocca coffees.  The flavor is very smooth and completely free of from any form of bitter. It possesses a slight sweet-nut note that is God given - completely natural.  Then to top it off all off this Sigri coffee is wrapped in a buttery-body that is thick and creamy on your tongue.  

This is definitely a must try for every coffee enthusiast

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