Saturday, February 4, 2012

Roasting Wednesday...

Coffee for Enthusiasts

Recently I have started roasting on Wednesdays only.  This was an economic decision as well as a family welfare decision.  Since I use the family kitchen to roast I recognized that it was not fair to my family to take up the kitchen 3 times a week when with better management I could occupy it only once.  And too many times trying to get a fellow coffee enthusiasts order of $6.00 to them I had to make the hard decision that it is just not economically worth spending the 2 hours needed to process an individual order alone.  So, Wednesdays it is...  Please don't get me wrong, I love $6.00 orders (heck, I love $1.00 orders) but to insure that I don't go out of business in a few months I have to insist that small orders are filled with the larger group of orders.

If you would like to have some coffee roasted, please let me know so I can get your order on the schedule.

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