Saturday, January 9, 2010

Mocca Matari - 5


Like school kids in the lunch-line on pizza day - this coffee made me happy.

The aroma was rich, thick, and warm like an evening fire. It was robust with nostalgia and made you say "wow". The flavor was as committed as Little Ann was committed to Old Dan. Thick and solid this coffee did not let you down, chasing down the ring tails of satisfaction.

That said, the Mocca Matari is a demanding mutt - as fickle as a cat. Some beans you can roast without too much attention and still brew a cup that contains the flavor that you expected. However, the Mocca in this bean will not be realized until it has been roasted quite dark - well into the second crack. Though the flavor is good at the cinnamon level the potential will still be in the bean waiting for the maturity that comes only with a fuller roast.

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