Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Seattle's Best Coffee

I've not been able to roast coffee as quickly as I drink it so I have a stash of store bought coffee that I use when I am empty. I picked up a bag of something called Seattle's Best Coffee and I must say that this stuff is horrible!!! It is considered a "dark roast" which simply means that it is burned, they could be using any bean from anywhere because there is no flavor to this cup except the taste of burn. They call this sludge Seattle's Best Coffee and I cannot help but feel sorry for the folks in Seattle if this is the best that they have. The name reminds me of that beer Milwaukee's Best which is also pretty sad for the people of Milwaukee.


J Rock said...

So it was early and Seattle's Best is what I made. As I sit here the used coffee grounds are sitting in my French Press and smelling just like a wet ashtray.

Anonymous said...

Wet ashtray? Yes, that's it exactly!