Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Study - Coffee a Cure for Everything

I was given this study. I have no citations. But I do have a link to MSNBC which is as good as having it written on tablets of stone.

You may not agree with my assessment of MSNBC - BUT it does not matter. Coffee, according to science, CURES EVERYTHING!

Now before you poo poo this - it is science. I have it in a print out on my desk. You must believe it.

"NEW YORK- . . . a new study suggests that middle aged adults who regularly drink a cup of java may have a lower risk of developing dementia later in life."

Hello - has no one noticed that I drink coffee and am brilliant? (note Coffee Shock post for proof )

"coffee drinkers have lower risks of several diseases. . ."
Does anyone else see an answer here to the health care crisis that Democrats and Republicans can get behind?

The article has it's own moments of dementia such as the one where it says "no one is recommending that people start drinking coffee. . ." Hmm - the rest of you non coffee drinkers just go ahead and die - leave the coffee, and the world, to us.

"Researchers do not know if it's components of coffee itself — like caffeine or certain antioxidants — or something else about coffee drinkers that explains the recent study observations." Hello??? All of the above. Since the whole world is reading this blog they ought to know that by now.

"More research is needed to determine whether coffee is truly protective, but for now, Eskelinen said, 'those people who have been drinking coffee can still do so in good conscience.'"

Well - I for one will do my part for science and do my research. I shall continue to post my findings here in the interest of science until the Anchor Bay people (or the guys in the black helicopters circling around outside) silence me.


J Rock said...

Do your part brother. Since you possess a PhD (and coffee has indeed made you brilliant) I would like to be part of your studies , especially if you include one that uses Single Malt as a comparative study.

Malcolm Magee said...

I heard the Governor's appeal last night to buy Michigan products. I think you should drink only coffee and single malt grown and made in Michigan. I will begin a post on the Michigan grown coffee.

Anonymous said...

Man I love that there's a study that proclaims coffee is beneficial, but my question is does it matter what kind of coffee you drink (instant, espresso, regular brew, etc.)?

Anonymous said...

John, your profile pic makes you look very in need of a cup of coffee. Was that the intent?