Friday, October 24, 2008

Converting The World To Coffee - One Doubter at a Time

So I had a meeting yesterday and I took my thermos filled with a freshly brewed pot of Mysore Nugget. Usually all that is in the office is a pot of some poorly made 8 O'Clock coffee brewed with regular tap water. My friends know that I am a bit of an enthusiast when it comes to coffee (that's a polite way of saying snob) and when I offered one guy a cup of my brew he asked if he was allowed to put flavored cream in it. My brain screamed "ARE YOU OUT OF YOU MIND?" but I graciously told him he could put anything that he wanted in it.

Well I poured him a cup and much to his credit he at least sampled it before putting anything in it. I was surprised when he stopped me in mid sentence with a "Wow, this is good coffee!" exclamation.

I don't think he added the flavoring.

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