Thursday, January 1, 2009

An Experience Experiment - Pt. 1

The next couple of posts come about because of a reader's request. Van (the reader) wanted to know what happened to the flavor of coffee based upon the brewing method. So, I put my 7th. grade science class thinking cap on and devised the following science experiment. (I hope you are reading Mr. Kawalski)
  • HYPOTHESIS: The same exact coffee brewed by different brewing methods produces differing results. (Mr. Kawalski should be proud)
  1. COFFEE: Bolivean - CIAPEC (100% Organic)
  2. ROASTED: Full-City+
  3. WATER/COFFEE RATIO: 5 oz. (liquid) : 1 Tbsp. (ground)
  4. WATER: Filtered by Brita

Tomorrow I will begin to describe the variables of the experiment. Stay Tuned...

1 comment:

van said...

Wow, your physical science teacher should be impressed. You are doing a great job with your control groups.