Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Looks Can Be Deceiving & The Label...

Sumatra Iskandar Premium  & Yemen Mocca Sanani
Can you see the difference in the bean quality?  

It is quite remarkable to look at a batch of both and see the uniformity of the Sumatran verses the unkempt look of the Yemen.  The Sumatran is a quality coffee and certainly lives up to its name of Premium but the Yemen certainly has a chocolate note to it that draws the observant taster back time and time again.  It would be easy to be lured to the Sumatran coffee because of the beauty of the beans but that would be a mistake.  Good as it is the Mocca coffee is very pleasing and has an aroma that takes me back to grandma's stove as she let the homemade chocolate pudding cool.  

Both are very pleasing coffees in their own rites and both need to be experienced to be understood.

The Label...  

I've been all over the place with the development of the label but I have finally landed at this configuration.  
The X and the YELLOW text are not part of the label
LINE 1: This is the disclaimer that I am required to have under the Cottage Food Law 
LINE 2: Company Name
LINE 3: Tag Line
LINE 4: Contact Info
LINE 5: Coffee Type | Date Roasted | Weight | How many cups the bag makes
LINE 6: Website Address

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