Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Friend's Coffee Roasting Experience

My friend Malcolm has this funny way of getting me into new things. First it was beer tasting, then it was wine tasting, then it was scotch tasting (do you notice a theme?). He likely would have gotten me into cigar smoking were it not for the fact that I had quit smoking after having spent over 10 years with the habit (my wife doth protest this particular vice). So now it is my turn to influence him, he liked the idea of roasting his own coffee so he decided to give it a try.

He obtained some Brazilian Mogiana green beans and decided that Saturday morning he would roast them at 400 deg/f in the oven on a cookie sheet. I have not tried the oven roasting method so I was particularly interested in his results. The only advice that I offered him was to take the battery out of his smoke detector and then I waited to learn how it went.

The following day I took my son out on a Daddy-Son Date and when I returned home I had a 20 second message on my answering machine. Click **** HERE **** to listen to the message.


Joy said...

Clearly your friendship hasn't progressed far enough for Malcolm to actually TAKE your advice!

Anonymous said...

No - no it hasn't - but I shall send John a full report of the experience when I get the chance. Meanwhile I am serving some very good coffee to the firemen who are standing in the snow outside my home. Wow - what a ride!